Calendar Activities

College calendar of activities (SY 2017-2018)

KSU-CCJE will align its school calendar to the global setting hence, starting SY 2017-2018 KSU will shift from the June opening to August. The semesters will be divided in the following; first semester is August to December, second Semester will be January to May and summer classes will be June and July.



First semester 2017-2018

July 24 to August 4, 2017


Enrolment Second Semester

January 3 to 12, 2018


Start of classes

First Semester:         August 7 to December 15, 2017

Second Semester:   January 15 to May 18, 2018          


Summer 2018

Enrolment:                May 28 to June 1, 2018

Classes start:                        June 4, 2018


College orientation:           one week after the start of classes

Election of officers:           one day after the college orientation

Election of frankpledge officers:            second week of December


College sports day