May 31, 2018

Announcement from the OSDS-PS and SCholarship Office of Kalinga State University. Please be advised that the CHED CAR is still accepting applications for the CHED Tulong Dunong for SY 2018-2019...

May 31, 2018

May 31, 2018, Kalinga Provincial Gymnasium, Tabuk City, Kalinga. The Kalinga State University Laboratory High School Moving Up Ceremony started this morning through a Baccalaureate Mass honoring the graduating high school students with Father Pic-it as the celebrant.

May 30, 2018

May 30, 2018 @ 8am is the 25th Commencement Exercises of Kalinga State University held at the Kalinga Provincial Gymnasium with CHED CAR Director as graduation speaker.

Happy Graduation KSU!


May 27, 2018

Attention incoming Grade 12 students who want to join the Comprehensive Review in English, Math & Science to prep you for College Entrance Examinations.

Sponsored by UP yKalingas in partnership with UPLB Pahinungod.

May 25, 2018

Second KSU Charter Day is celebrated thru a Mass officiated by Fr. Joe Pic-it held under the canopy of trees at the HARRDEC park, May 25, 2018, KSU Main Campus.
Happy Anniversary!

December 24, 2017

To all ESGP-PA and SUC Tulong Dunong Grantees, your enrollment will be on December 27-29, 2017. Further details for the early enrollment will be explained.

Your participation and cooperation is highly enjoined.
