KSU-CCJE is now ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Kalinga State University is now ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Admission, Registration, Instruction (Curriculum Development and Delivery of Instructions) and Conferment of Degree for College of Criminal Justice Education

The Kalinga State University, as visited by URSP Certification Services this December 2018, is recommended for issuance of ISO 9001:2015 Certificate. 
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Certification of quality service is one of the criteria for a government agency to be eligible for Performance Based Bonus. KSU has consistently received PBB for the Years 2012-2016.

Prior to URSP visit, KSU frontline service providers and internal auditors were trained by the Development Academy of the Philippines for ISO from May to December 2018.

Job well done KSU!


The United Registrar of Systems (URS) has conferred an ISO certificate to Kalinga State U last December 29, 2018.