KSU Compliance with Sec. 99 (Transparency Seal) of Republic Act No. 10717(General Appropriations Act, FY 2016)
Based on the Inter-Agency Task Force on the Harmonization of National Government Performance Monitoring, Information and Reporting Systems AO No. 25 s. 2011 Memorandum Circular No. 2016-1 (Annex 5 - Guideline on Transparency Seal) dated May 12, 2016.
I. Agency's Mandate, Vision, Mission and List of Officials
- Mandate
- Vision and Mission
- List of Officials
II. Annual Financial Reports
FAR No. 1: SAAOBDB (Statement of Appropriations, Alotments, Obligations, Disbursements and Balances)
- 2016: Third Quarter, Second Quarter, First Quarter
- 2015: Fourth Quarter, Third Quarter, Second Quarter, First Quarter
- 2014
- 2013
Summary Report on Disbursement
- 2016: Third Quarter, Second Quarter, First Quarter
- 2015: Fourth Quarter, Third Quarter, Second Quarter, First Quarter
- 2014: Fourth Quarter, Third Quarter, Second Quarter, First Quarter
- 2013: Fourth Quarter, Third Quarter, Second Quarter, First Quarter
BAR No. 1: Quarterly Physical Report of Operations/Physical Plan
- 2016: Third Quarter, Second Quarter, First Quarter
- 2015: Fourth Quarter, Third Quarter, Second Quarter, First Quarter
- 2014: Fourth Quarter, Third Quarter, Second Quarter, First Quarter
- 2013: Fourth Quarter, Third Quarter, Second Quarter, First Quarter
FAR No. 5: Quarterly Report on Revenue and Other Receipts
- 2016: Third Quarter, Second Quarter, First Quarter
- 2015: Fourth Quarter, Third Quarter, Second Quarter, First Quarter
- 2014: Fourth Quarter, Third Quarter, Second Quarter, First Quarter
- 2013: Fourth Quarter, Third Quarter, Second Quarter, First Quarter
Financial Plan (Detailed Statement of Current Year's Obligations, Disbursements and Unpaid Obligations)
- 2016: Second Quarter, First Quarter
- 2015: Fourth Quarter, Third Quarter, Second Quarter, First Quarter
- 2014: Fourth Quarter, Third Quarter, Second Quarter, First Quarter
- 2013
II. DBM Approved Budget and Targets
IV. Projects, Programs and Activities and Status of Implementation (Not Applicable)
- Projects, Programs 2016
- Beneficiaries 2016
- Status of Implementation 2016
V. Annual Procurement Plan 2016
VI. QMS Certification by any international organization approved by the Inter-Agency
Task Force or ISO 9001:2015 aligned QMS documents